Week 8: Nanotechnology + Art

Looking at this week’s topic first, I was scared because I had no idea what nanotechnology was, and second, I was afraid that I wasn’t going to be able to wrap my head around it. I do admit at some parts of Dr. Gimzewski’s lecture I was so confused, but once he was able to connect it back to products that almost everybody uses, I was very interested. When talking about nanotechnology it seems unrealistic in my mind, but from what I learned from the lecture videos and my research, it now seems all too real. When Dr. Gimzewski brought up lines like L’Oréal and how nanoparticles are used in athletic wear, it instantly connected to my everyday life. The shampoo and conditioner that I swear by are by L’Oréal, and knowing that I interact with nanoparticles every day blows my mind. I also wear athletic and workout clothes almost every day of the week, so not only is my hair exposed to nanotechnology but also my very skin. Learning that big name brands like L’Oréa...